sexta-feira, 25 de março de 2011

Spider-Man 3: The Game review

I had to put this in my blog,
today we are reviewing Activision's Spider-Man 3.
I had purchased two games at the time: Sonic 06 and Spider-Man 3.
Guess which one I liked it.
If you picked Sonic 06, you are correct, this game is garbage compared to Sonic 06.
So let me introduce to you, to Spider-Man 3.

Spider-Man 3 has a long story, it has some plots of the story and also has original plots created for the game.
The game begins with Spider-Man having to save people from a building on fire, after you do, you are then put in a GTA styled free world.
The game features stories such as Jean De Wolfe, Rhino, Lizard, Kraven's Last Hunt,etc.
There is also the gang missions in which Spider-man must stop gangs such as the Arsenic Candy which looks like Roxxy from Scott Pilgrim made clones out of herself, the H-Bombers, which I don't need to explain them since you know they are Bombers, and other gangs such as Dragon Tail, a japanese gang and Apocalypse, and no, it's not the X-men Apocalypse.

The gameplay in Spider-Man 3 is annoying, you can jump,punch and do combos like in any game.
But, it has also two kinds of Spider-Sense, one that can see throught objects and the other that can slowdown time,isn't that familiar from another spidey game?
And the Black Suit has this Rage mode and yes, Shattered Dimensions took from this game.
In the Wii version, you can change to Red and Black suits at any time, but the PS3 version, nope.
So what's annoying about that, oh you will see.
For example: The Arsenic Candy's Museum Mission.
It first starts with Arsenic Candy members throwing an old man that works on a library from a clock tower, Spider-Man has to save him.
You activate your Spider sense to save him, oh, but it's limited, it takes seconds to the spider-sense stop and the old man falls to his death.
You start over again, you try to pick him again, but, no you when you are about to catch him, the freaking Spider-Sense turns off!
When you finally pick him, it's here that starts the annoying part.
You go to the museum, they planted a bomb at dinosaur fossils,
and only Spider-Man can save it, if there wasn't hundreds of these girls!
You have to disable the time bomb before it explodes, you active the Spider-sense, the one that sees throught objects, and it just shows you that it's dangerous, it doesn't show the bomb's location, later, one of the girls blows up the fossil and then the time of this bomb dramastically decreases.
And Boom!
The bomb explosed, and YOU LOSE!
Now for the Wii version, you play with the wiimote and the nunchuk, the buttons are confusing, becomes the same button that jumps is the same that shoots webs!
Which causes a malfunction in the game, and the fighting, it's motion sensing which causes this irritating and unnatural gameplay.

The Voice acting in Spider-Man 3,is good it features people from the movie sounding the characters, they include Tobey Maguire, James Franco, Topher Grace and Thomas Haden Church, the sound effects are average and other supporting cast, did a great job voicing characters such as Kraven, Dr. Curt Connor and De Wolfe.
But Mary Jane's voice is so lame, it doesn´t sound energetic or nothing, it's seems like she doesn't care about anything in the game's story, you can tell, that she winned in a lottery, she will still have the same voice.

The Graphics in the PS3 version are decent, but, the Wii version is awful, I mean sure the Wii doesn't have HD, but they could have putten fluid in the animation, The Graphics looks like it came from the PS1 and they colored Spider-Man like if a 5-year old was drawing, it's that terrible.
And the black suit instead of keeping how it was in the movie, it now looks lik that someone throwed a bucket of White and Black paint in Spider-Man, sure they were trying to make it to look like the comic version, but it kept things worse.

Overall Rating:
2.5/10 for the Wii
3/10 for the PS3
 Here are the Reasons:
.High Difficulty
.Bad Spider-Sense
     .The "difference" between the black and red suit.
     .Bad quality of animation in the Wii.
     .Irritating Gameplay
     .And Poor Story

The good points of this game are the fun exploring the New York city and the voice acting, but, don't buy this game, your console may cause burning, and if you play it, don't tell me I didn't warned you.

Sonic and Sega All Stars Racing review

Today we have a review for Sega fans, It’s Sega and Sumo Digital’s Sonic and Sega All-Stars Racing.
The game as many say is a Mario Kart clone, and when this was announced people were worried, since many sonic fans says If Sonic is in a car, then it fails.
But this game didn’t, so let’s do the review.

The gameplay is kinda like Mario Kart, who gets first wins, and there are items to distract the enemies.
This Racing car gameplay is really fun, it’s been an improvement since Sega tried to do a good game which ended up being the underrated Sonic Riders.
There are three types of vehicles: Car, Bike and Hovercraft.
There also different types of items (for example a item that gives a speed boost to the character), whoever, unlike Mario Kart, the items have this rock-paper-scissors effect kinda like the mega man series, since some weapons can defend the racer from others.
They also have All-Star power, where they unleash their ultimate attack, for example: Sonic’s All Star power involves him becoming into Super Sonic and attack his enemies, while, Ryo involves him getting to a bulldozer and smash his enemies.

There are loads of game modes in this game, they are:
Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing with Banjo Kazooie ScreenshotKing of the Hill, Free Race(and Single Race, which is only for one player), Missions, Time Trials, Capture the Chao, Collect the emeralds, King of The Hill and Knock out
Missions are kinda like the Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games missions, Capture the Chao, You capture the sonic characters: The Chaos.
Collect the Emeralds is kinda like Capture the Chao, but the players enter the arena to collect emeralds instead.
King of the Hill is like those racing battle games such as Twisted Metal and Mario kart’s battle mode.
While, Knock out is a mix between King of the Hill and Free Race

The Graphics are ok, they aren’t the best, neither the worst for this game, but the level design is very good, it has a lot of details and colour, the cars design, I liked it, each one matched with the character, while, they did an upgrade on Alex Kidd’s design, he looks more realistic, he now has Blue eyes and the ears become pointy, but, the Bonanza Bros. still look like medicine pills, but, still we like them.

Third Party Characters:
The Wii version got the Miis(what a big surprise ¬ ¬).
The PS3 and PC versions got nothing, but PC fans can get the game via steam.
While, the Xbox 360 version has Avatars and………Banjo and Kazooie?
Wait a minute, ain’t this Sonic and Sega all-stars Racing?
Then what is Banjo and Kazooie doing here?
If they are in this game, why did the Wii version only got miis?

Overall Rating:

I really liked Sega all stars racing and I really hope that Sumo Digital makes other good Sega titles.
And I took one point off because of the iOS version.
But the rest is awesome

terça-feira, 22 de março de 2011

Spider-Man Shattered Dimensions is a Pretty fun hack and slash but very short in levels and story

Hello,welcome to my site,
and let´s start with our first review of Spider-Man Shattered Dimensions.
Spider-Man in these years hasn´t been receiving such a good treatment,they rebooted the comics,Spetacular Spider-Man got cancelled and Spider-Man 3,both the movie and the game, no comments.
But,Activision finally made a good thing to Spider-Man with Shattered Dimensions.
You take the role of 4 Spider-Men: The Spetacular, The Noir(based on the marvel Noir line), the future Spider-man(from the 2099 comic line) and Ultimate bonded with the black suit as they try to recollect the fragments of the tablet of order and chaos.

Now,that I gaved you the summary of this game, let´s start the review with:


The story is about Mysterio trying to steal a powerful artifect named The Tablet of Order and Chaos,which gives order to every dimensions,Spider-man tries to stop Mysterio from stealing it,but instead,he and Mysterio breaks the tablet
He is then contacted by Madame Web which also contacted other 3 Spider-Men and she says to him to collect these fragments so she can fix, before the dimensions seize from existence.
Now the Story is very, very short, it can take you 2 days to complete this game from how incredibly short the Story is.
The story if you look with attention sounds like a saturday morning cartoon crossover.
The Story is split in 3 acts, and every time you complete the acts,it shows you cutscenes of what Mysterio and the Spider-men are doing.
The story was written by Dan Slott,who did Arkham Asylum:Living in Hell from DC Comics
And I have to say that the story they could have putten more focus on the story, it´s isn´t very creative.
The new characters´ backstory isn´t explained, so you most go to Character Bios to check their story, they don´t say much about Hobgoblin.
And that´s all I can say, since there isn´t much explain about it.

Spider-man is a hack and slash and Beat ´em up style of gameplay.
There are 3 bosses  for each spidey in each act.
The controlls are very simple, I didn´t have difficulties with it, but I analized that majority of my friends had problems with web zipping, since you needed to aim with the camera to do it, which to them was very annoying, since either spider-man wouldn´t zip or he would web swing instead.
The four Spider-men has different gameplays:
The amazing is focussed on web gameplay, it´s kind of annoying when you face mysterio with this Spider-man, since millions of enemies will come just to kick your ass and your attacks won´t affect much damage like with Ultimate.
But, he is fine, I enjoyed playing with him, especially the Kraven level.
2099 is more fast and agile of all the spider-men, you usually beat the crap out of everything with him, he does a lot of combos and he is my favourite spidey in the game and I´m happy that he will appear in the new Edge of time, when I have nothing to do and I play this game, I always go to the Hobgoblin level, since I found awesome playing this level, it´s really fast paced, there is a lot of enemies and such.
He has the falling stages which you must reach the enemy and beat him by punching, but that´s when you grab him, you must also avoid the obstacles, there is also accelerated vision where everything becomes slow and you can avoid projectiles with this and you also can beat your enemy with ease.
Ultimate on the other hand is also a combo maker and has this rage mode, which causes him to go insane and let´s make hundreds of hits in the enemy.
That´s pretty insane!
Majority friends enjoyed playing with him since he is easy to play, thanks to his black suit, he can control the symbiote and he has more variations of attacks.
Now, noir on the other hand, doesn´t focus on beating up enemies, well in some areas and the bosses, but it focus on taking down the enemies, using logic and being careful of being seen, you must stay in the shadows.
I like him, he is very epic, and I liked this Godfather/Scarface-like environment.
The game has the spider-sense where you can see where you can interact, where are the enemies and even the boss´ location.

Graphics and audio:
The graphics in Shattered Dimensions are okay, they used cel-shading for Spetacular and Ultimate, while, they used Realistic graphics to 2099 and Noir.
What I like was 2099´s graphics, it looks good especially Miguel O´ Hara, the spider-man of this dimension, but the Wii and Nintendo DS version turns into a cartoon style and even, thougth the consoles aren´t HD, I still didn´t like it.
And I have a question to Spider-Man 2099,I mean, how can he look in that mask, the other Spider-Men has lenses in their masks, but, what about him?
How can he look it´s a mask without lenses?
While Noir has this graphical change during Gameplay, when the enemies don´t see him, the colors are black and white and Spider-Man Noir is cel-shaded in black.
But,when the enemy sees you,the place will have color and Noir will be realistic instead of Cell shaded.
The voice acting is good, with all previous spidey voice actors voicing different spideys.
Neil Patrick Harris(which did Spidey in MTV´s Spider-man: The new animated series) voices Amazing, Christopher Daniel Barnes(which did Spidey in the 90´s cartoon) voices Noir, Josh Keaton(from Spectacular Spider-man) voices Ultimate and Dan Gilvezan(Spider-man and his amazing friends) voices 2099.
The voice acting is excellent, it had a lot of energy in the voices, they fitted the characters, the atmosphere too and I want to see this superb voice acting in Edge of Time.
The music is good, but it fits the atmosphere of each level, but you don´´t hear very often since you are foccused on the levels and don´t pay alot of attention to it.


Gameplay is great, it is fun to replay the levels, the difficulty is average, but the gameplay is kind of generic.

Very short, it is a shame, it doesn´t show very much of it, you completely don´´t pay attention to it, the could have developed more.

The Graphics aren´t great, but it ain´t bad, they putted alot of effort, each style of graphic match the setting.

The music is nice and Jim Dooley did a great job, so does the voice actors which perfectly voiced the characters

Overall Rating: