terça-feira, 19 de julho de 2011

Whatever Hapened to Duke Nukem Forever?

14 years ago, a company known as 3D Realms, which made games like Wolfenstein 3D and their most popular game, Duke Nukem, announced they were making a sequel to Duke Nukem 3D, which was Duke Nukem Forever.
The game was going to have the Quake II engine and GT Interactive was going to pubish the game, that was in 1997.
1998, people saw the Trailer for this game, we were impressed, but not 3D Realms, so they changed their Quake II engine to Unreal Engine, Duke Nukem Forever kept delaying as it wasn't still ready to be released and the Fans were raging.
Broussard, creator of the Duke Nukem series, responsed to the media about the delays, he said the following:

Today's games are MUCH more complex. In Duke Nukem 3D all the characters were sprites. Today they are polygonal models, have to be skinned, and then animated or motion captured. A very long, tedious and complex process. Also games today are "deeper" and require more than key/door stuff. That means more time to develop. Note all the so-so first-person shooter games that didn't sell well in the last two years and you will see that they were simple compared to more complex efforts like Half-Life. A game like Duke Nukem Forever is probably 5-10 times more complex than Duke Nukem 3D was.

In 2000, they changed of publisher since GT was bought by Infrogames(now known as Atari), and the new publisher was Gathering of Developers.
Duke Nukem Forever was the subject of many jokes in the gaming culture.
Following the death of one of the Gathering of Developers creators, Take Two bought the gathering and the publishing rights of Duke Nukem Forever.
And Duke Nukem Forever would be only released "when it's done".
2001, Some guy pre-ordered Duke Nukem Forever.
2003, There was a conflict between Take Two and 3D Realms, that years later would go into a lawsuit, due to the fact that the product ain't finished and Take Two waiting years to be made.
2007, the game was almost finished and Broussard was serious about shipping the title.
But the fund was drying up(for obvious reasons), so they asked Take Two for 6 million dollars, Take Two accepted but they only had $2.5 million dollars, so what did Broussard do?
Rejected the offer and halted Production, now that's how you troll the fanbase, second only to Capcom's recent cancellation of Megaman Legends 3.
In 2010, Gearbox announced they have the rights of the Duke Nukem series and started developing Duke Nukem Forever.
One Year later, it is released...

Man, did that game SUCKED.
The controls are clunky, Multiplayer is broken(seriously, you just have to pick the devastator and you won), the puzzles are boring and uninspired, the graphics are horrible and not to mention, the stage designs are lame.
Each time in the game, you have to complete a puzzle, I would understand in games like Tomb Raider and Professor Layton, but Duke Nukem? Duke doesn't solve puzzles, he just kicks the crap out of aliens.
The Humor isn't funny it just talks about toilet jokes and references to other games, some are funny, but the majority is so lame, that not even a toddler could laugh.
The jokes are all about themes such as abortion and strip.
Although, it is nice to hear Jon St. John voicing Duke again and compared to other FPSs, Duke Nukem Forever has more interaction with things, and you can do silly things with Duke such as throwing Feces at enemies.
But those damn car levels, the controls in that thing is horrible, it makes you wanna puke, you can't even control the damn thing right.
Multiplayer is kind of fun and it features the Jetpack, but as I said before it is Broken as when you pick the Devastator, no one can win against you, unless he is an expert.

Overall, Duke lost it's glory with this game, but that doesn't mean the Duke is dead, he will just return once more to kick those alien a**es(but don't get to excited for the next game or else, you know what's going to happen).

I was originally giving a 3/10 but I'm a nice guy and I'll give one more point because they finally released this game(even thought they seem to have forgotten this game was in development for 15 years).

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