sábado, 25 de junho de 2011

Retro Review:Gunstar Heroes

Gunstar Heroes, one of my most favourite games in the Sega Genesis/Megadrive library.
The game was made by Treasure, the studio that brought you great titles such as Ikaruga, Wario World, Sin and Punishment, Mischief Makers and Dynamite Headdy.

The game is a fun shooter, you take control of a Gunstar Hero: that you choose at the start of the game: Red, which can shoot and run and Blue, which can fire at eight angles.
Now, let´s get to the gameplay, one of the main factors of this game, the game has four guns: Blast, which shoots fast and acts like a normal gun; Tracker, which follows enemies; Fire, that acts like a flamethrower and Lighting, which shoots lighting bolts at the enemy.
But what´s special about them is that you can mix them to create a even more powerful weapon, for example, if I mix Blast with Fire, it causes the bullets to go bigger and explode at the enemies.
The boss battles are epic, they can be hard sometimes, the levels´ graphics are nice, but you can´t replay them due to storyline issues.
Playing with a friend is the best experience you can ever have with this game, from all the shooters I played, this one was that my friends had fun with it.
Music is nice, compared to other genesis/megadrive soundtracks, since they couldn´t play well because of sound quality, but this game nailed it.

Overall rating for Gunstar Heroes:

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